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Student Spotlight

Melanie Beasley

Suffolk, VA

Academic Engagement with Classmates and Faculty Added Depth to Online Learning

Melanie Beasley (BBA '24), a military veteran turned aspiring HR professional, found her educational match with the University of Management and Technology (UMT). Her journey with UMT began with an internet search; she was seeking a self-paced program that could accommodate her busy schedule.

Reflecting on her UMT experience, Melanie pointed out that the sense of community fostered by UMT's online academic discussion forums made her educational journey memorable. "I loved the engagement in the discussion forums—it felt like a real classroom experience. Connecting with professors and fellow students added depth to my learning," she remarked.

Melanie had pursued education at different schools before and found the scheduling of in-person classes too rigid and restrictive. It took her ten years to complete the associate degree due to her military life and was arduous. The UMT self-paced, online, 11-week terms helped Melanie stay on course and achieve her goal of receiving a Bachelor's degree in just a little over a year. "The 11-week terms were just the right length. It gave me enough time to dive into the material without feeling overwhelmed," she added.

Finally, the flexibility of self-paced programs allowed Melanie to tailor her education to her schedule, ensuring she could balance her coursework with other responsibilities. "UMT offered exactly what I needed—a self-paced structure that fit into my everyday life," Melanie shared.

Looking ahead, Melanie sees her UMT degree as a catalyst for her career aspirations. "Completing my degree will definitely boost my prospects in the business world, especially because I aim to pursue a career in HR," she expressed, emphasizing the career potential of her education. She also expressed plans to continue to a Master's degree after completing the Bachelor's.

In retrospect, Melanie's decision to choose UMT proved to be life changing. "UMT provided the support and flexibility I needed to succeed, unlike my previous educational experiences. Thanks to UMT, I was able to fast-track my degree and I look forward to embarking on a new chapter of my professional journey and continuing to my Master's degree," she concluded, reflecting on her journey with gratitude and satisfaction.

"Being able to engage with my fellow classmates and my professors in the online discussion forums felt like a real classroom experience. The online connection absolutely added to my learning and enjoyment of the courses."

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