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Student Spotlight

Michael Tarrant

Thomson, GA

Empowering Professionals for Career Success with Flexibility, Quality Education, and Unmatched Affordability.

Michael Tarrant (BSCS ‘13, MSCS '23), an ambitious IT professional seeking to advance his career, discovered UMT's educational programs through a quest for convenience and affordability. As he weighed his options, it became clear that UMT offered a unique combination of flexibility and value that aligned perfectly with his goals.

The decision to choose UMT for his degree was heavily influenced by the relevance of the lesson plans and materials to his career field. Being an IT professional, Michael found it essential that his education directly applied to his work. UMT stood out in this regard, providing him with practical knowledge and skills that he could immediately apply in his job. "The education I received at UMT was highly applicable to the jobs I've had, allowing me to be better prepared in management positions," Michael expressed, highlighting the direct impact his UMT degree had on his professional growth.

Completing his degree at UMT has brought about significant changes in Michael's life. He now feels more confident in his abilities and has seen doors open for career advancement. The comprehensive education he received has equipped him with a broader understanding of his field and has provided him with the necessary skills to excel in managerial roles. "The degree I earned from UMT has had a profound impact on my career trajectory. It has allowed me to take on higher-level responsibilities and positions," Michael explained, emphasizing the transformative power of his UMT education.

Reflecting on his UMT experience, Michael identifies three key aspects that have greatly contributed to his satisfaction. Firstly, the ability to complete coursework on his own time and schedule has been a game-changer. As a working professional with multiple commitments, having the flexibility to study when it suited him best was invaluable. "UMT's flexible approach to learning allowed me to balance my work, personal life, and education seamlessly. I could complete assignments and engage with the course materials on my own terms," Michael noted, appreciating the autonomy UMT provided.

Secondly, Michael praises the exceptional quality of the lessons at UMT. The curriculum was carefully designed to cover relevant topics and incorporate real-world scenarios, ensuring that the knowledge gained was both practical and current. "The lessons at UMT were of the highest quality. They were engaging, comprehensive, and directly applicable to my career. I never felt like I was wasting time on irrelevant content," Michael shared, emphasizing the value he found in the well-crafted curriculum.

Lastly, Michael highlights the convenience of UMT's support system. Whenever he needed assistance or had questions, UMT's personnel were readily available and responsive. "UMT's personnel were always just a call or message away. They provided prompt and helpful support whenever I reached out. This level of convenience made a significant difference in my educational experience," Michael expressed, grateful for the dedicated and accessible support he received.

In conclusion, Michael wholeheartedly recommends UMT to individuals on the go who are seeking a comprehensive and affordable education. "I highly recommend UMT for people with busy lifestyles. The price is unmatched, and the quality of the education is even better. UMT offers the perfect blend of flexibility, value, and relevance that can help individuals achieve their career goals," Michael concluded, endorsing UMT as the ideal educational partner for those seeking professional growth and advancement.

"UMT has been a game-changer for me. The convenience, relevance of the curriculum, and exceptional support have made my educational journey truly transformative. I highly recommend UMT to anyone seeking a flexible, high-quality, and affordable education."

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