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Bachelor of Science in Homeland Security
The BSHS requires completion of a total of 120 credit-hours of instruction, 60 of which are at the upper level (junior and senior years). Students must have completed a minimum of 60 credit-hours of college-level studies at the lower level (freshman and sophomore years). Within the required 120 credit-hours a student must also complete at least 30 credit-hours in General Education in total to receive a BSHS degree.

BSHS Program Objectives

Upon successful completion of the program, students will be able to:
  • Apply knowledge in Homeland Security to specialized areas of concern
  • Evaluate the importance of communication, coordination, and cooperation in a variety of competing agencies
  • Apply expertise in various international and domestic terrorist entities and comprehend the underlying conflicts that foster their existence
  • Relate real-world conflict analysis and resolution approaches that have been used to defuse crises
  • Synthesize the roles of the key players in Homeland Security such as government (federal, state & local), military, and non-government organizations and critique their effectiveness
  • Make suggestions for implementing new ideas by utilizing research methods and statistical data from the field
  • Create realistic Homeland Security policies using various considerations while keeping in mind realities such as budget concerns and legal authority
BSHS Core Courses
CJ 320 Introduction to Forensic Science
CJ 405 Criminal Investigation
COMM 205 Technical Writing
HS 100 Introduction to Homeland Security
HS 110 Introduction to Emergency Management
HS 130 Introduction to Terrorism and Counterterrorism
HS 201 Emergency Preparedness
HS 265 Introduction to International Relations
HS 271 Emergency Management Technology
HS 310 Critical Incident Response
HS 420 Maritime Security
BSHS Recommended Electives
CJ 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJ 206 Introduction to Law Enforcement
CJ 216 Criminology
CJ 340 Constitutional Law
CJ 400 Criminal Courts System
CJ 410 Criminal Evidence
CJ 420 Criminal Procedure
CJ 450 Criminal Justice Management
COMM 330 Organizational Communication
FIN 300 Principles of Finance
HA 310 Epidemiology and Community Health
MGT 300 Principles of Management
MGT 311 Human Resources Management
MGT 331 Leadership
MGT 332 Organizational Behavior
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