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Master of Science in Criminal Justice
The Master of Science in Criminal Justice (MSCJ) is a 36 credit-hour degree program designed to provide students with advanced knowledge and skills to enable them to succeed in the field of Criminal Justice. The program emphasizes both the theoretical and applied aspects of Criminal Justice.

The MSCJ program is designed to meet the needs of students seeking a master's degree as a prerequisite for entry into the field, as well as the needs of students who are currently employed in the field and want to broaden their knowledge, skills, and abilities. This is accomplished by offering a broad range of foundation courses for a student who did not major in criminal justice at the undergraduate level, as well as sufficient electives to accommodate students who did.

Students can elect a concentration in Homeland Security and take the courses listed below, or they can elect no concentration and take six courses from the Acceptable Electives list.

MSCJ Program Objectives

Upon successful completion of the program, students will be able to:
  • Evaluate the fundamental concepts, roles and functions of criminal justice and the criminal justice system
  • Apply general management theories and practices to criminal justice administration
  • Demonstrate broad knowledge to work effectively in criminal justice or related disciplines
  • Acquire and synthesize new knowledge as a result of independent research using up-to-date information technology and evaluate findings with respect to their merit, worthiness, or importance
  • Design research studies and define appropriate statistical methods to be used, to address current problems in criminal justice
MSCJ Core Courses
CJ 500 Criminal Justice System
CJ 540 Criminal Law
CJ 600 Criminal Courts System
CJ 615 Criminology
CJ 650 Criminal Justice Management
CJ 699 Research Methods in Criminal Justice
Homeland Security Concentration
HS 500 Homeland Security
HS 602 Hazard Mitigation
HS 611 Disaster Recovery
HS 620 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
MGT 560 International Relations
MGT 610 Principles of Public Sector Management
MSCJ Acceptable Electives
CJ 505 Juvenile Justice
CJ 510 Corrections
CJ 515 Law Enforcement
CJ 620 Criminalistics
CJ 640 Ethics in Criminal Justice
COMM 500 Communication and Soft Skills
GOV 600 Structure and Function of Government
MGT 530 Leadership and Organization
MGT 610 Principles of Public Sector Management
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