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Bachelor of Science in General Studies (BSGS)
The BSGS requires the completion of a total of 120 credit hours of study, 60 of which are at the upper level (junior and senior years).

All BSGS students must complete GST 499, a capstone Summary Project integrating their course work and demonstrating their knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Summary Project

The BSGS Summary Project (GST 499) is the capstone course for the BSGS degree. It is designed so that students can demonstrate their ability to size up a significant issue by researching the facts carefully, summarizing the key components and consequences of the issue, assessing both the strengths and weaknesses of different perspectives pertaining to the issue, and using the results of this effort to articulate an intelligent, well-supported opinion.

BSGS Program Objectives

Upon successful completion of the program, students will be able to:
  • Exhibit a wide breadth of knowledge in areas such as history, humanities, civilization, mathematics, physics, literature, government, sociology, and information technology
  • Demonstrate useful skills in quantitative and qualitative analysis, writing, and communications that are critical to operate in various working environments and organizations
  • Demonstrate knowledge of computer science and information technology and apply it to work as activities and individual endeavors
  • Utilize such knowledge on a day to day basis, at work and in future academic pursuits
  • Pave a solid knowledge foundation and advance to higher levels of study in disciplines such as management, social science and cross-disciplinary studies.
Program: BSGS
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