ARLINGTON, Virginia, October 5, 2011
The opening ceremony for UMT 2011 Chinese DBA and MBA classes was held at Tsinghua University in Beijing on September 24, 2011. UMT's Academic Dean, Dr. J. Davidson Frame delivered a keynote speech at the ceremony. He revisited UMT's teaching philosophy and ten years of an extraordinary journey to deliver education programs to Chinese students since UMT brought its programs into China. UMT China Office Director, Mr. Tom Jiang also spoke during the ceremony. He offered thanks for support received by UMT from various people and organizations and for the hard work of UMT program team members. Ms. YiYou Chen, a UMT DBA student, spoke on behalf of the new students.
In the evening, the UMT Chinese Alumni Association held a Fall Season Gala. Dr. Frame and UMT President, Dr. Yanping Chen, both participated in the event. More than 100 UMT Chinese alumni from all parts of China attended the gala.
Opening ceremony for UMT 2011 Chinese DBA and MBA classes
UMT Chinese Alumni Fall Season Gala 2011