ARLINGTON, Virginia, May 21, 2003
The Defense Contracting
Command-Washington and its Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business
Utilization hosted the First Annual Asian-American Business Showcase on the Main
Concourse at the Pentagon today. Many small businesses met with Department of
Defense personnel and contracting officers during the day-long event.
Opening ceremonies featured a keynote speech by the Honorable Jay Kim,
former U.S. Congressman from California. Mr. Kim described his success as
founder of an engineering company, as well as his years of service to America.
Opening remarks were offered by Col. Joe E. Conley, Commander, DCC-W. Following
Col. Conley, Mr. Joel B. Hudson of the Office of the Administrative Assistant to
the Secretary of the Army presented a speech recognizing the importance of
small, disadvantaged companies to the U.S. economy and to the Department of
Defense. Mrs. Tracey L. Pinson, Director of the Army Small and Disadvantaged
Business Utilization Office, discussed the program and services provided to help
small businesses achieve equitable participation.
Dr. C. Eric Kirkland,
who led UMT's presentation team at the event, commented, "What a wonderful
opportunity for us all! We've met so many people who are sincerely interested in
helping small, woman-owned, Asian-American companies like UMT. Everyone has been
so helpful, helping us meet Education Services Officers and discussing our
featured educational programs."
For the event, UMT focused attention on
its newly accredited Acquisition Management program. UMT also offered
information on its Project Management program. Below are some of the print-out
information pages offered by UMT on this event.
Click on the
following thumb images to enlarge.
 Dr. Yanping Chen added,
"As an Asian-American who came to America, I am proud for UMT to be invited to
participate in this showcase."
May is Asian Pacific American (APA)
Heritage Month--a celebration of Asians and Pacific Islanders in the United
States. On October 5, 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed a Joint Resolution
designating the annual celebration. In May 1990, President George H. W. Bush
designated the month of May to be Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. May was
chosen to commemorate the first Japanese immigrants to the United States in
1843. Asian Pacific American Heritage Month is celebrated with
government-sponsored activities, festivals, and educational activities across
the nation. The theme for 2003 is "Salute to Liberty."
Dr. Chen noted,
"It is fitting UMT announced its Military Scholarship this month, coinciding
with 'Salute to Liberty' and heroes of our United States military."
scholarship program and the new Acquisition Management program received warm
response from the military personnel in the Pentagon. The scholarship program
plus the book scholarship eliminates out-of-pocket expenses for our military
servicemen who are working towards a degree. The Acquisition Management program
recently received accreditation.