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ARLINGTON, Virginia, February 16, 2007

UMT's Vice President, Dr. C. Eric Kirkland, announced that as of 12 February 2007, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) determined UMT is an "eligible institution" under the terms of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA).

UMT will be listed in the next edition of the Directory of Postsecondary Institutions published by ED.

UMT's Office of Postsecondary Education identification number (OPE ID) is 04110300.

Dr. Kirkland, who led the effort of obtaining the Title IV, explains the important of this determination, “UMT students with existing student loans (Federal Family Education Program Loans and Federal Direct Student Loans) now may defer repayment while attending UMT.”

UMT did not seek authorization to handle loans, so prospective students cannot attend UMT using Title IV funds.

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