ARLINGTON, Virginia, February 15, 2008
The University of Management and Technology (UMT) is pleased to announce that we have received notice of approval from the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC) for a comprehensive program in criminal justice, including both undergraduate and graduate degrees. These degree programs are designed to provide a modern distance education curriculum to support the needs of individuals who wish to advance their education in this field. At the undergraduate level, an Associate of Science in Criminal Justice (ASCJ) and a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice (BSCJ) will provide both initial and degree-completion programs for working adults either just entering or early in their career in criminal justice. At the graduate level, a Master of Science in Criminal Justice (MSCJ) will focus on the needs of professionals in various criminal justice professions. Also at the graduate level, majors will be offered as an area of concentration to support the Master of Science in Management (MSM/CJ) or the Master of Public Administration (MPA/CJ).
Upon successful completion of the ASCJ, students will be able to: - Identify fundamental concepts, roles, and functions of criminal justice and the criminal justice system.
- Recognize leading management theories and practices applicable to criminal justice administration.
- Conduct information searches and independent research using up-to-date information technology and summarize findings in writing.
- Demonstrate knowledge of general education topics consistent with graduates of comparable Associate of Science degree programs.
- Interpret basic statistics and comprehend basic research methods to demonstrate that they will be informed consumers of research.
Upon successful completion of the BSCJ, students will be able to: - Explain the fundamental concepts, roles, and functions of criminal justice and the criminal justice system.
- Evaluate the value of leading management theories and practices as applied to criminal justice administration.
- Synthesize new knowledge as a result of independent research using up-to-date information technology.
- Demonstrate knowledge of general education topics consistent with graduates of comparable Bachelor of Science degree programs.
- Apply basic statistical methods and research methods to problems in criminal justice.
Upon successful completion of the MSCJ, students will be able to: - Evaluate fundamental concepts, roles and functions of criminal justice and the criminal justice system.
- Argue the merits of applying general management theories and practices to criminal justice administration.
- Synthesize new knowledge as a result of independent research using up-to-date information technology and evaluate findings with respect to their merit, worthiness, or importance.
- Design research studies and define appropriate statistical methods to be used, to address current problems in criminal justice.
All questions for information about UMT degree programs may be addressed by email to admissions@umtweb.edu or by calling toll free (800) 924-4883.