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Acquisition Management (27 credit-hours)
The concentration in acquisition management is designed to provide students with specific knowledge in principles of public sector administration and acquisition, project and program management, financial management, leadership, human capital management, and executive problem solving. The concentration provides students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to manage acquisition and contracting functions in government and the private sector, enabling them to plan, execute, and control major systems and programs.

The following are the required courses in the Acquisition Management concentration:

COMM 500 Communication and Soft Skills
MGT 535 Operations, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management
MGT 550 Project Management
MGT 552 Project Finance and Budgeting
MGT 553 Risk and Quality Management
MGT 554 Contracts and Procurement
MGT 571 e-Commerce
MGT 610 Principles of Public Sector Management
MGT 650 Management of Major Programs

Students can choose to take SCM 500. Supply Chain Management instead of MGT 535. Operations, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management
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