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If you've taken PM Suite courses from UMT in the past, please click the Go To Student Portal button below to go to your Student Portal to register.  If you don't remember (or never knew) your Password, don't worry, you can reset it. When you get there, your Login ID is your Student ID (normally starts with the first 2 letters of your last name followed by seven numbers.)

Otherwise, please complete the info below and click Create Account to create your student account.  Once you are given your Student ID, click the Go To Student Portal button to go to the Student Portal to register.

  • Bold Items are required are required
  • Please enter all information using proper upper and lower case! Please don't enter anything in your name that is not an actual name (e.g., if you are a Jr, then select Jr in suffix; don't add it to your last name!)
First Name: MI: 
Last Name:  Suffix: 
Please provide the address where you currently receive personal mail.
Street Address 1: 
Street Address 2: 
For APO/FPO addresses, please select Armed Forces Europe, Armed Forces Pacific, or Armed Forces Americas.
For State, please select Foreign Country if your address is not in the United States or Canada.
ZIP/Postal Code:  
Country:  For APO/FPO addresses, this must be United States!
Confirm EMail: 

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