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DEAC Outstanding Graduates & Famous Alumni

The following UMT graduates became DEAC's "Outstanding Graduates" & "Famous Alumni". These graduates are recognized for their excellence in educational accomplishment. They have distinguished themselves in their careers and in society.

UMT's 2024 Outstanding Graduate

Terrius Smith

Marietta, GA

The flexible schedule of online learning made it possible for me to earn my degrees

Mr. Terrius Smith was working as a Host Aviation Resource Manager of the United States Air Force when he first learned about University of Management and Technology’s distance learning opportunity. He was able to utilize the GI Bill to pursue his degrees from the University of Management and Technology.

Mr. Smith initially enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Administration program at UMT, successfully balancing work, family, and school. After 17 years of service in the Air Force, he began experiencing different physical ailments that prevented him from remaining in the military. During this military transition, unsure of future career options as a disabled veteran, Mr. Smith returned to UMT. He then pursued the Associate of Information Technology and Bachelor of Science in Information Technology programs to establish a new career path.

Most recently, Mr. Smith completed his fourth UMT degree, a Master of Science in Information Technology. Throughout his academic journey, he maintained a competitive GPA, demonstrating his dedication and academic excellence. The University of Management and Technology provided the work-life balance Mr. Smith needed to achieve his personal, professional, and educational goals. His transition from military service to academia exemplifies resilience and determination. Following graduation, Mr. Smith leveraged his expertise by obtaining professional certifications in the Information Technology field. He continues to make valuable contributions in the Information Technology field, while inspiring those around him.

"I was very impressed with my time at the University of Management and Technology. UMT’s flexible, relevant programs turned my long-sought dream of obtaining a bachelor’s and master’s degrees a reality."

UMT's 2024 Famous Alumni

Dr. Sze Chun (Clive) Tsang

Hong Kong, China

Distance learning in UMT fits my work schedule perfectly

Dr. Clive Tsang received a DBA at the University of Management and Technology in 2014. Having needed to take a 2-hour commute between home and work, distance learning makes the pursuit of the doctorate degree possible. Clive is also one of the founding members of the UMT Hong Kong Alumni Association.

Dr. Tsang has a manufacturing business in China, while his family resides in Hong Kong. He aspired to pursue a doctorate degree in business administration to enhance his skills at operating the business. After comparing programs offered by on-campus universities, he chose the DBA program at UMT because of its flexibility and the richness and diversity of the subjects offered. Dr. Tsang also holds four other degrees from the University of Hong Kong, the University of Chicago, and the University of California, Irvine.

Upon graduation from UMT with a DBA degree, Dr. Tsang, together with several UMT graduates in Hong Kong, established the UMT Hong Kong Alumni Association. He has met some lifelong friends throughout the process. In addition to taking care of his manufacturing business, Dr. Tsang is also an active member in the community. For example, he has founded a charitable organization serving incarcerated individuals and those who have been released from prison. Recently, he has been teaching in prison, providing skills to people behind bars so that they would be more prepared when they are back in the community. Dr. Tsang also serves other roles in the community such as judging on disciplinary tribunal proceedings of legal professionals.

"Pursuing the DBA program offered by UMT is one of the best choices I've made because its flexibility has allowed me to fulfill a long-time goal without affecting my work and personal life."

UMT's 2022 Outstanding Graduate

Vickie Miller

Woodbury, NJ

Distance education made my dreams come true

Vickie Miller wanted to go back to school while working full-time and raising a family. She tried and found that her busy schedule made it difficult for her to attend op-campus colleges. That is when she discovered the University of Management and Technology and enrolled in their Business Administration program.

Vickie got married after high school and had her first child at twenty-two. College seemed hopeless. She eventually ended up joining the service. Juggling between work, family, and school was difficult. While researching alternatives to on-campus colleges, Vickie discovered that UMT had a variety of flexible and user-friendly programs that would fit into her current profession and broaden her knowledge for advancement. She enrolled in the Business Administration program and graduated with her Associate's degree and further improved herself over the years with degrees in Public Administration and Engineering Management. Vickie was last enrolled in the Master of Business Administration program with a Project Management concentration. Vickie especially enjoyed the group discussions in courses so that she got to know her classmates. The knowledgeable and warm staff at UMT made the whole experience very pleasant.

Utilizing the skills and knowledge she learned from her degrees, Vickie was able to make good team decisions within the organization which enabled her to contribute to her current employer and career.

"I am sincerely thankful to the University of Management and Technology to broaden my area of knowledge and expertise. Those flexible and user-friendly programs turned my ambitious learning process into reality."

UMT's 2022 Famous Alumni

Karen R.J. White

Weare, NH

A full-time working adult and volunteer, I needed the schedule flexibility provided by distance learning

Dr. Karen White is Program Director and Senior Lecturer in Project Management at Granite State College in Rhode Island. She received a DBA at the University of Management and Technology. Her doctoral work was funded by a UMT scholarship issued through the Project Management Institute Education Foundation.

Karen’s achievements are substantial, ranging from a consultant in healthcare and project management, to a project management practitioner, to a college professor, to an author, to a cancer survivor, to an Army Reservist. She was awarded a BS in Information Systems (Northeastern University), an MS in Information Systems Management (Northeastern University School of Engineering), and a Doctor of Business Administration in Management (UMT).

Karen is particularly proud of her thought leadership contributions in two areas. First, as one of a handful of management practitioners who, years ago, recognized the value of implementing project management principles and practices in the healthcare arena. Second, as one of the first management experts to promote the use of agile practices employed in IT to manage all management efforts. She authored two books on the application of agile practices in project management (Agile Project Management: A Mandate for the 21st Century (2009); and Practical Project Management for the Agile Non-Profit (2013)).

Even as Karen earned a living as a consultant and educator, she dedicated a substantial portion of her time to volunteer service. Of particular note was her service to the Project Management Institute (PMI), which began in 1994 and continues today. As a PMI volunteer, she assumed several leadership roles that ultimately led her to be granted the award of PMI Fellow (2009) – one of only 40 people in a professional society of 600,000 people to be given this privilege. Karen is also proud of her volunteer service to various cancer-fighting causes over a twenty-year span.

"I am glad I was able to complete this degree studying with Dr. David Frame and Dr. Yanping Chen. Their respect for my existing knowledge, and how they shared their knowledge with me, made for a collegiate learning experience."

UMT's 2021 Outstanding Graduate

Kelly Bieschke

Quinton, VA

Thanks to distant education he became the best instructor in the Corps

Mr. Kelly Bieschke was working as a Senior Instructor for the Army in the Basic Wheel Division of the Ordnance Corps. He needed something to give him an advantage over his fellow instructors. That's when he discovered the distance education program at the University of Management and Technology.

Kelly graduated with an Associate of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice degree with 3.94 GPA. Since getting his degree he has been promoted to a Master Instructor, the highest level of instructor proficiency. He also has been recognized as the Instructor of the Year for the last three years. After graduating from the University of Management and Technology he has helped his department become the best department in the Ordnance Corps and has earned multiple Civilian Service Commendation Medals, Civilian Service Achievement Medals and numerous bonuses.

Since graduating he has spearheaded a program to help improve the teaching abilities of both his military and civilian instructor counterparts to be the best instructors they can be so they can graduate the best Soldiers in the world. Kelly has his annual food drive at his work to help the people of need in his community. He also does volunteer work at his church and for the community.

"As a 20-year Army veteran I used my GI BIll on and off at regular colleges. To me it was just so difficult to fit to fit it into my crazy schedule. Distance education from UMT was a godsend. I now have the degrees I have been trying so long to get."

UMT's 2021 Famous Alumni

George Jucan

Ontario, Canada

Long time goal of continusing education becomes true due to UMT distance learning

A management consultant and instructor of project management courses, George Jucan kept dreaming about supplementing his MSc degree with business-related education. Distance education made his dream come true, and in 2018 George graduated from the University of Management and Technology with a MBA degree without having to pause his career.

Formalizing his business knowledge through the in-depth curriculum offered by UMT, and particularly the project management concentration of his MBA studies, allowed George Jucan to take to the next level his services of enabling organizational performance through efficient project, program and portfolio management. Furthermore, the entrepreneurial skills gained through the MBA courses allowed him to expand into new lines of business like training and general contracting for construction projects.

Paying it forward, George Jucan continues to share his knowledge and expertise not only through paid engagements, but also through training, writing books and articles, and as an active volunteer of Project Management Institute (ISO). He also serves as the Chair of the Canadian Mirror Committee to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for creating and maintaining the project, program and portfolio family of standards.

"After over 10 years of never being the right time to go back to school, the MBA program with Project Management concentration from University of Management and Technology allows me to fulfill my dream as it was a perfect fit for my interests, career objectives and life-work balance."

UMT's 2020 Outstanding Graduate

Kim M. Gaughan

Limerick Township, Penns

Completing a Personal/Professional Goal That Has Been Held for Decades

Kim M. Gaughan was a Support Analyst at a law firm when she enrolled at the University of Management and Technology to receive her Master of Science in Information Technology. Achieving her degree through distance education was an easy decision, affording her flexibility to meet obligations and achieve her goals.

Kim graduated with a 3.81 GPA in the Project Management program at UMT. She was inducted into the Delta Epsilon Tau International Honor Society for her academic achievement. A self-prescribed, life-long learner, Kim is preparing for the Certified Associate of Project Management certification through Project Management Institute. In 2016 and while a student, Kim and her family started their own business called GNG All Holiday Decorators, LLC. Kim has used the skills she has learned from her studies in every facet of her life, both professionally and personally. Whether she is managing projects and stakeholders, finding new ways to streamline processes or manage her own personal obligations, she uses the techniques of project management wherever she can.

Kim is active in her community. She volunteers for a non-profit organization, Philadelphia Area Great Careers Group, which specializes in career management for the unemployed and underemployed. As a Co-Chapter meeting leader, her goal is to be supportive of those during job transition: by listening, providing career management information and connecting job seekers to resources that might be needed.

"Education is empowering! As a self prescribed life long learner, I am grateful to UMT for sharing this part of my education experience with me. I look forward to the future and all it has to hold. I am curious to see where my UMT studies will lead me."

UMT's 2020 Famous Alumni

Paul A. Garcia

Stafford, Virginia

Distance Education/Distance Learning Propels 21st Century Leaders

See Featured Video of Paul at:

Paul Garcia graduated from the University of Management and Technology with a Bachelor of Business Administration, a Master of Science in Management, and a Master in Public Administration degrees while engaging in non-stop domestic and international business activities. Where others may see or feel pressure from school and business activities, Mr. Garcia incorporated and applied every course of study to daily business issues demanding program management, contracts & negotiations, critical thinking, strategic planning, political sensitivity, quantitative/qualitative analysis, and 21st century marketing approaches that significantly benefited his clients.

His courses of study assisted in proving out his "M4" management theory to all his clients by reviewing, implementing, adjusting, discussing, and building on a company's respective Management, Marketing, Momentum, and Maintenance business plan.

As President of M4 Consulting LLC (a business development and program management company) and Future Armor Systems LLC (a body armor development company), he moves forward with a focus on creating collaborations and business ventures with domestic and international partners with a common drive to further the progress aimed at improving humanity at the micro and macro levels existing in a global market.

"UMT degree programs challenged, changed, and charged my work ethic to reach greater heights."

UMT's 2019 Outstanding Graduate

Bettye Lee Long-Walden

Madison, Alabama

Achieving her personal and professional goals through distance education learning

Mrs. Bettye Lee Long-Walden was working as an Information Technology Specialist at Redstone Arsenal when she began her journey to earn an advanced degree. The flexibility offered by the distance education programs at the University of Management and Technology (UMT) provided the opportunity to earn her Master of Science in Management.

She competed and was selected for an Army Civilian Scholarship through the Academic Degree Training program. She graduated from UMT in September 2017 and was inducted into the Delta Epsilon Tau International Honor Society for superior academic achievement. She was selected as the graduate representative to deliver the 2018 Commencement Address. In her address, she shared her personal story about how distance education helped her balance work, school, and family responsibilities in order to achieve her goals. The knowledge gained from her studies benefited both her and her organization. She used her new skillsets to lead major information technology projects which resulted in increased efficiency, effectiveness, and cost savings. As a result, Ms. Long-Walden was awarded the Department of Army Achievement Medal for Civilian Service.

Since graduation, she has become the Deputy Program Manager for a major software application. She also has devoted countless hours to mentoring others. She enjoys sharing her experience with other Army Civilians to help with their professional development and growth. Most importantly, she is dedicated to giving back to her local community through volunteer work and community service.

"Education is a journey filled with hope and dedication to learning new things and leaving this world a better place. I am so thankful to UMT for being a part of my journey. Their flexible, on-line classes were the ideal fit, and their caring professors helped me succeed."

UMT's 2019 Famous Alumni

Zhiying Chen

Cape Charles, Virginia

Studying DBA opens up new enterprise management thinking for me

Dr. Zhiying Chen graduated from the University of Management and Technology with a Doctor of Business Administration degree. She pursued the DBA degree to strengthen her management and professional theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Dr. Chen applies the knowledge she gained from the UMT DBA program, along with years of senior management experience in the yeast industry, to all aspects of production, R&D and sales in her company. Additionally, she applies the newly acquired innovative thinking to the management of professionals. Leading the innovations in yeast biotechnology in China, her company has increased manufacturing capability and expanded its facility covering 30 acres of land and now generates US$45 million in annual revenue . Her company is also making breakthroughs in promoting and applying its products in the fields of nutritional food, animal nutrition, bio-fermentation, organic agriculture and so on. Under her leadership, the company actively explored the international market and its products are exported to more than 20 countries.

As Vice-President of Hebei Seasoning Association and Vice-President of Hebei Feed Industry Association Council in China, Dr. Chen actively provides advice and makes contributions to the food and feed industry. She is also Vice-President of the Kaiping District Industry and Commerce Federation of Tangshan City in China, which promotes the social and moral responsibility of enterprises. These positions allow her to meet her original intention of contributing to the harmonious society. The skills she has obtained from the DBA program at UMT will benefit her for life.

"UMT's DBA program is the right choice for me. It enriches my business operation and modern management knowledge which in turn lays the foundation for my company to becoming a world-renowned leader in yeast deep processing industry!"

UMT's 2018 Outstanding Graduate

Ho Shing (Edi) Wong

Hong Kong, China

Connection and contribution to the society

Mr. Edi Wong received his Master of Public Administration degree from the University of Management and Technology in 2013. He has made major contribution to enhance networking among UMT alumni as the founding Vice-President of UMT Hong Kong Alumni Association (UMTHKAA).

Mr. Edi Wong is currently serving as the Director of Business Development and Human Resources in Black Sheep Restaurants. He has also served as HR Manager, Head of HR and HR Director in the Finance industry, Property management and F & B. As a strong believer in contributing to society, Edi spent time on various public positions which can allow him to further contribute to the community. He is the elected Chairperson of TaikooShing Owner Representatives' Committee for over 10 years. This is one of the biggest residential estates built by Swire Properties, this community consists of over 12,000 units with more than 40,000 inhabitants. He also served as Chief Supervisor in PR Department of Hong Kong Road Safety Patrol which he would deliver the messages of importance on Road Safety to the society.

As an admission panel interviewer of School of Tourism & Hotel Management in Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Edi always like to cultivate and communicate with potential young talents. His capacity as Vice Chairman of Hong Kong-Chongqing Youth Exchange Promotion Association makes him able to improve communications for the youth between the two cities to exchange Culture, Business ideas etc.

"Choosing UMT is one of the best decisions Edi has made. The flexibility of online learning strikes a balance between studying time and busy work schedule for him and the support from UMT is outstanding."

UMT's 2018 Famous Alumni

Geoffrey Webster

Cape Charles, Virginia

Pursuing a doctorate degree opened my mind to new adventures

Dr. Geoffrey Webster was working as a process improvement executive at an electronics distributor when he was told that his team was being combined with training and some positions were being eliminated. This event motivated him to enroll in the doctorate program at the University of Management and Technology.

Geoffrey graduated with a high GPA and left his employer to expand the services of his personal consulting firm. His new knowledge helped him to establish innovative strategic partnerships to attract business from new clients. Geoffrey's contribution to his new alliances have positioned him to be a prime business development resource and lead program manager for large accounts.

Since his graduation, Geoffrey has supported non-profits pro bono, coached executives of various types of firms to be more effective in running their businesses, and performed assessments on individuals helping them to have a better understanding of how they operate and why in order to improve their overall ability to influence favorable outcomes. In addition, Geoffrey's research has been published by three prestigious organizations: Scrum Alliance, Project Management Institute, and the American Society for Quality.

"I was very impressed with the University of Management and Technology having the only doctorate degree program globally accredited by the Project Management Institute among DEAC accredited schools. From this, I knew their program along with their reputation of being a developer of talent would guide me to making a valuable contribution to society."

UMT's 2017 Outstanding Graduate

Artez Franklin

Montgomery, Illinois

Online education helped him reach personal goals and allowed a continued successful career

Mr. Artez Franklin achieved a distinguished career serving in a combat support role while in the United States Air Force (USAF). He credits his Master of Business Administration in Project Management from the University of Management and Technology (UMT) for earning him multiple prestigious job offers in the Chicago area.

Artez Franklin graduated from UMT with an Associate in Business Administration (2013), Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Technology Management (2015), and a Master of Business Administration in Project Management (2016). He began his undergraduate program in January 2013 while still in the Air Force. Artez was able to apply the knowledge he gained from UMT's business courses to his profession. This assisted him in effectively managing personnel, a wide range of projects and programs, and streamlining business processes for 47 government facilities. He also used his education to inform project and program improvements while at Headquarters, Air Force Personnel Center saving the organization $1.6 million.

"The University of Management and Technology demonstrated a genuine investment in my education throughout the undergraduate and graduate program and provided unparalleled schedule flexibility while I transitioned from the military, which resulted in me entering the civilian workforce well equipped and very qualified."

UMT's 2017 Famous Alumni

Cheung Kwong Hung

Cape Charles, Virginia

Distance education gave him the knowledge vital in establishing and enhancing his company's operations

Dr. Cheung Kwong Hung graduated from the University of Management and Technology with a Doctor of Business Administration. He pursued the DBA in order to strengthen his management knowledge, skills, and techniques.

Combining the knowledge and experience from having worked in the industry for many years all the way up to senior management level and from obtaining his DBA, he established a number of companies in the consulting and engineering practice. These companies are now running hundreds of consulting jobs in new hotels, cinemas, schools, swimming pools, offices and residential buildings and the modernization of more than 100 elevators. The practical and contemporary management knowledge, skills, and techniques obtained from the University of Management and Technology have proven indispensable in his daily operations. The research study of non-engineering topic areas in the DBA program extended his creative and innovative thinking beyond the framework normally established by engineering professionals, which is a derived lifelong benefit.

"The University of Management and Technology's DBA program is a perfect choice for me. It enriched my business and modern management knowledge, which significantly benefited me in exploring and establishing companies in the consulting and engineering field as well as enhancing their daily operation, management and growth."

UMT's 2016 Outstanding Graduate

Janet G. Robinson

Catonsville, Maryland

...distance education enabled her to keep a promise she made to herself 50 years ago.

Janet quit high school at age sixteen to get married. She made a promise to herself to continue her education but that was delayed by the sudden and unexpected responsibility of two small step-children and then a new baby. Over the next 45 years Janet managed to obtain an associate nursing degree taking classes in five colleges in three states in pursuit of her degree in an effort to keep her promise to herself. Her work and family schedule made attending traditional classes difficult and over the years her educational pursuit was interrupted multiple times.

In 2010 a coworker told her about UMT. Thanks to UMT's flexible schedule she was able to complete her Bachelor's in Health Administration in 2013 and immediately enroll in the master's program. The MHA program provided a broader view of healthcare and enabled her to enrich her leadership skills. Her enhanced abilities were recognized by her company as she was promoted to vice president during the time of her studies. Janet planned to retire in October 2015, however in further recognition of her leadership, she was asked to take on the program oversight of the last year of a troubled contract, delaying her retirement until early 2016. She retired and completed the Master of Health Administration program with a 3.74 GPA the same week in February 2016. Janet hopes to use her degree to consult and teach, helping others to fulfill their own degree goals as she moves into the next phase of her life.

"It is never too late to pursue a goal to its successful conclusion if you want it badly enough. The supportive faculty and the flexibility of the University of Management and Technology allowed me to keep a life-long promise of earning my degree – a promise I had made to myself as a sixteen-year-old girl.""

UMT's 2015 Famous Alumni

Glen Laman

Cape Charles, Virginia

Glen Laman's recently published book, Jamaican Entrepreneurship, has put him on the interview and lecture circuit among the Caribbean communities in the USA and Caribbean. The well-received book, which emerged from the doctoral dissertation he wrote while studying at the University of Management and Technology (UMT), examines 15 outstanding Jamaicans and their divergent paths to success.

Dr. Laman's educational journey began as a boy attending classes in open-air schools in rural Jamaica. After coming to America, he was able to complete his bachelor and master's degrees through hard work and scholarships. Ultimately, he became an executive at Coca Cola headquarters in Atlanta. While in Atlanta, he was a founding board member of the Jamaican Chamber of Commerce of Atlanta, and served as the Vice President of Membership. As he approached retirement age, he thought about achieving the pinnacle of education attainment: a doctorate. He enrolled in UMT's Doctor of Business Administration program and found himself immersed in learning how to carry out advanced research in the behavioral sciences.

In selecting a dissertation topic, Dr. Laman turned to a question that had long intrigued him: How is it that poverty-stricken Jamaica, a Small Island Developing State (SIDS), possessed so many independent small business owners who were able to survive and even thrive in a tough economic, political, and social environment? Applying the research methods covered in his doctoral program, Glen addressed this question by interviewing 15 accomplished entrepreneurs to discover what made them tick and carrying out a content analysis of their comments. The result is an original, engaging study of the human side of entrepreneurship in a poor country that identifies systematic factors contributing to entrepreneurial success. The dissertation was so well-written that the UMT faculty urged Laman to publish his findings as a book – which he did.

"Completing a doctorate was the most amazing experience. I had almost given up on the idea and was
facing retirement when I stumbled upon UMT's distance education program. It changed my life."

UMT's 2014 Famous Alumni

Dr. L. David Olson

Cape Charles, Virginia

...distance education allowed him continued oversight of billion-dollar clean-up projects

L. David Olson was working in an engineering services company as a Project Manager, holding a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. To strengthen his skills as he progressed up the managerial ladder, he enrolled in the University of Management and Technology's online Doctor of Business Administration program, emphasizing Project Management.

Dr. Olson's Doctorate in Business Administration solidified his selection as President of Washington River Protection Solutions in 2013. At the Hanford nuclear site in eastern Washington, Dave oversees a $400M+ annual budget for a 1,650-person engineering-services-based organization utilizing highly-specialized, cutting-edge technology to turn hazardous waste into a safe, immobile glass — thus rendering the Northwest US environmentally safe from this nuclear hazard.

In addition to serving on the boards of several universities and non-profit organizations, Dave reaches out to local universities, providing on-campus career planning seminars for students, heightening his interest in pursuing future opportunities to teach at the university level, now made possible by his DBA degree from UMT.

"The University of Management and Technology's doctoral track strengthened my strategic planning knowledge and prepared me for future university teaching opportunities. The positive impact of UMT's DBA program has been noticed by my employees as well as my corporate board."

UMT's 2013 Outstanding Graduate

Jacqueline Howard

Madison, Wisconsin MSM and PMP certification meant less stress and greater career opportunities.

A military spouse with a full-time career, a toddler, and another child on the way, sudden moves to California and Alaska convinced Jacqueline Howard to reinvent herself. Excited to discover UMT’s flexibly structured Masters in Management with a Project Management concentration, Jacqueline succeeded in obtaining a Project Management Professional certification.

Within months of graduating from UMT with a 3.9 GPA, Jacqueline passed the PMP Exam. Her advanced degree and professional certification enabled her to tackle complex projects with confidence, drive change management efforts at a large hospital in Anchorage, and enjoy a significantly strengthened formal educational foundation for a career in project management. Inspired to continue learning, Jacqueline fulfilled a long-time goal by enrolling in training for MS Project. Further motivated by her success at UMT, she joined several online professional Lean, Six Sigma and PM groups to stay current and engaged in her field. She is now a Strategic Business Process Specialist helping to cultivate Six Sigma company culture.

"I was pleasantly surprised at how far distance education has come since my undergraduate days. My UMT Master's revitalized my career, motivating me to take advantage of educational, professional, and certification opportunities available online today."

UMT's 2013 Famous Alumni

Robert A. Chapman

Cape Charles, Virginia

...distance education enabled him to overcome a disability to complete his degree.

A 100% service-connected Viet Nam-era disabled veteran who had experienced narrowed opportunities for lifelong learning, Robert Chapman happily marks his Master of Science in Management with an Acquisition Management concentration at the University of Management and Technology as the launching point of his current personal success in business.

A U.S. Contracting Officer, Special Deputy U.S. Marshal, and Federal Law Enforcement Officer with the U.S. Department of Justice (BOP), Robert has served two tours of duty with the U.S. Department of Justice, at the U.S. Embassy, Baghdad, Iraq. Robert managed all contracting and administrative support for Saddam Hussein's trial, and performed armed courtroom security for the highest court in Iraq. On one combat mission to Kurdistan with the U.S. Marshals Special Operations Group, Robert was responsible for saving the life of a witness. Robert also designed and implemented an agency wide energy acquisition program focused on cost savings and received a Presidential Award for Leadership in Federal Energy Management.

"Improvise, adapt and overcome no matter what! I learned this as a young man and I continue to live by my motto every day. It has served me well since becoming disabled as has completing my education at UMT."

UMT's 2012 Outstanding Graduate

Todd Cotsman

Savannah, Georgia

...a dynamic deployment schedule pointed to distance education as the obvious choice!

While juggling family commitments with multiple deployments on active duty in the United States Air Force for over 17 years – including 12 years as a C-17 pilot – Todd Cotsman successfully completed his Master of Business Administration with a Project Management concentration at the University of Management and Technology.

Looking to further his education beyond his current career path, as a liaison with the Army at Fort Stewart, and with an airline industry lacking the luster it had shown in the past, Todd Cotsman discovered UMT's MBA track, and reasoned it would be wise to branch out; it was time for him to expand his horizons.

Because of the self-paced structure and at-a-distance flexibility of the course offerings, alongside the facts that military tuition assistance and the UMT Book Loan program left no out-of-pocket expenses, this was truly a win-win situation for him, an opportunity to retool in order to expand his job opportunities in anticipation of military retirement.

"I completed 70% of my University of Management and Technology MBA in Kuwait, Qatar, and Iraq. Textbooks shipped promptly and on-line features were available as if I were in the good ol' US of A. Talk about true distance learning!"

UMT's 2012 Famous Alumni

Henrique K. Ho

Cape Charles, Virginia

...when 9/11 interrupted his studies, he went online to complete his degrees.

After his traditional, brick-and-mortar studies were put on hold by a military transfer in the wake of 9/11, Henrique K. Ho turned to the University of Management and Technology, where he was able to earn an Associate of Science in November 2008, and a Bachelor of Science in June 2010.

If, like Henrique Ho and his family, you have moved your home address 7 times in the last 10 years, then you can begin to appreciate some of the challenges the military life has in store for those who serve our great nation. However, tuition assistance, book loan programs, the flexibility of distance programs, and participation in consortiums like the Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) go a long way.

Henrique Ho is currently balancing the demands of providing logistics and material support to keep the Hornets and Hercules crafts of the famous Blue Angels aloft, while pursuing a Master of Science in Management online with the University of Management and Technology.

"My education has been a long and difficult path. Many institutions set such discouraging requirements and obstacles, and I did not want to keep taking classes here and there. But my luck turned around in 2006 when I found UMT!"

UMT's 2011 Outstanding Graduate

Esteban Roche Jr.

Oxford, Pennsylvania

...a dynamic deployment schedule pointed to distance education as the obvious choice!

Seeking further education while holding down demanding jobs, Esteban Roche, Jr., discovered the University of Management and Technology, where he has completed a Bachelor of Business Administration degree, an Executive Certificate in Project Management, and a Master of Science in Information Technology degree.

Mr. Roche has worked in dynamic environments including Patrol, Tactical Response Teams, and Advanced Training. Currently with the FBI Task Force, Mr. Roche is assigned to the Philadelphia Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory, having undergone rigorous training to become a Computer Forensics Examiner. He has recently been promoted to Laboratory Quality Manager.

In addition to his work as a Law Enforcement Officer, Mr. Roche serves as a Field Intelligence Support Specialist with the U.S. Coast Guard Reserves. This past year Mr. Roche was inducted into UMT's Kappa of Virginia Chapter of the Delta Epsilon Tau International Honor Society and is now embarking on a Doctoral program in Business Administration at UMT.

"UMT's structured assignments are so practical that I can immediately apply new skills to my dynamic work environments. Distance education enhances not only my knowledge base but also increases my opportunities for growth within my profession."

UMT's 2010 Outstanding Graduate

Timothy M. Riley

Covington, Georgia

...he furthered his education while balancing career and family.

Tim Riley spent eight years, two months, and six days – not that he was counting – in the U.S. Army as a Satellite Communications Controller. Upon exiting, Tim rose to a private-sector management position. Military duties, career demands, and family responsibilities left precious little time for furthering his education. However, switching to convenient, online studies, Tim's tuition costs shrank by more than 50% and he received full consideration for transfer credit. Curricula were presented in straightforward formats. Professors were accessible, providing prompt feedback. Best of all, he could progress at his own pace versus that of a cohort or forced timeline.

In July 2006, Tim earned a BBA at the University of Management and Technology. That same month, Tim learned that his job was slated for elimination within the year. He utilized the time remaining to earn an MBA in Project Management by May 2007... and started work for a new company that same month!

"Distance education allowed me to pace my studies. In August 2009, I completed a Master of Science in Information Technology degree. The material was challenging! It really gave me quality migraines but I found the whole experience invigorating and definitely worth it! I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for the University of Management and Technology!"

UMT's 2009 Outstanding Graduate

Daniel Spagone

Charleston, South Carolina

...he found distance education the most military-friendly way to learn.

Commander Daniel Spagone proudly completed his Bachelor of Business Administration Degree Program with the University of Management and Technology (UMT) in September of 2008 and assumed full command of the U.S. Naval Consolidated Brig in Charleston, SC, that December.

His three decades of service show a patriot's devotion to his country and a love of learning. Dan was an Honor Student and was twice "Sailor of the Year," from submarine Electrician's Mate on to Surface Warfare Officer School Command as Director of Engineering and Material Readiness, and Curriculum Instructional Standards Officer.

But it wasn't always this way. Born into urban poverty and a 10th-grade drop-out, Dan was invited to live with the family of a Salvation Army minister on condition that he go back to school and attend church. Thus he graduated from high school and went to college on a scholarship. However, he joined the Navy before finishing his degree.

"I was asked why I was working so hard for a degree I didn't really need for career advancement. My answer was always the same--I take college courses to better myself, not my career. Struggling through the process of coursework completion makes me a better person, father, husband, and Naval Officer. If you want a better career, make a better you."

UMT's 2009 Famous Alumni

Timothy J. Krawczel

Cape Charles, Virginia

...distance education gave him the skills to remain competitive.

In his civilian career, Tim Krawczel was a county government Director of Planning and Community Development and had retired from the US Army Reserve as a Lieutenant Colonel with thirty years of service and overseas deployments to Europe, Korea, Bosnia and Iraq when he applied to the University of Management and Technology's MPA program. After returning home from service in Iraq as the Deputy Senior Advisor to the new Ministry of Environment, Tim hoped to retool his technical skills and deepen his understanding of management.

Tim and his wife had raised four children, and he had earned a Bachelor's Degree in Economics and a Master's Degree in Urban Planning, and written award-winning comprehensive plans for local communities when the desire to study political philosophies, leadership and management motivated him to look for a new program of graduate study. After back-to-back year-long deployments in the global war on terrorism, a full time job and the needs of family life, Tim thought a second master's degree was a dream that could not happen. UMT provided a learning opportunity that fit his needs.

"I am using the knowledge and skills gained through UMT's graduate program to begin a new chapter in my career of public service."

UMT's 2008 Outstanding Graduate

Sarah Santorsiero

San Ramon, California

...distance education provided her with the confidence she needed to succeed.

Sarah Santorsiero was already a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) when she discovered the University of Management and Technology. Beginning with an Executive Certificate in Project Management, she successfully completed her Bachelor of Business Administration degree in June 2007.

Sarah had managed successful software and networking projects for over 17 years, but over time she realized employers increasingly wanted employees with bachelor's degrees. Working as a consultant and starting a new family, Sarah thought a degree was infeasible.

At UMT she found a partner to help achieve her educational goals. For her, the primary benefits in gettinga BBA from UMT were the high quality education at an affordable price with flexible scheduling amongst course activities and the professional staff. The Executive Certificate and BBA enhanced Sarah's PMP credentials and skill set, and increased her opportunities within a competitive job market.

"I am very excited that I received my BBA because of the wealth of cutting edge methodologies in project management and business that I now hold. UMT opened the door for me to many opportunities that I previously would not be considered for without a BBA."

UMT's 2007 Outstanding Graduate

David A. Elliott

Carlstadt, New Jersey

...distance education aided his career.

Mr. David Elliott started his engineering career managing telecommunications projects. Since 1992, he has served the United States as a reserve soldier. In 2003, he participated in the initial invasion of Iraq. His team completed 29 major reconstruction projects under combat conditions. He earned the Bronze Star and Combat Action Badge.

David enrolled at The University of Management and Technology (UMT) in January 2005. He initially completed an Executive Certificate in Project Management. He then continued his studies at UMT, completing an MBA in April 2006.

In addition to his MBA from UMT, David holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology from the New Jersey Institute of Technology. His other awards include the Army Commendation Medal, Soldier of the Year (1993-1994), and the Leadership Award from the Army Armor School. He is employed by Ernst & Young.

"Getting my MBA from UMT helped me bridge the gap between technology and business. To make a real contribution, technology has to be directed and managed with an eye on the business needs of the customer. I now understand how to do this, and make sure my choices are made from a technical and business perspective."

UMT's 2006 Outstanding Graduate

John T. Halter

Fairfax, Virginia

...he fulfilled a 30 year dream to complete his degree.

Mr. John T. Halter found himself competing for senior information technology positions with younger and less qualified candidates who had college degrees. That's when John enrolled at UMT, completing the Executive Certificate in Project Management program and subsequently earning his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

John had left college in the early '70s to join the U.S. Army, where he learned computer programming. Since leaving the service, he excelled in his career, reaching executive level and working for global multibillion-dollar software leaders. Even though successful, John realized his 30+ years in information technology wasn't going to maintain his viability in the job market or satisfy employer requirements for a Bachelor's degree.

At UMT, John was able to pursue studies on his own terms, becoming a stellar student and earning his Executive Certificate in Project Management in record time. When UMT received accreditation for its computer science program, John was first in line to enroll, and the first to complete UMT's B.S. in Computer Science, graduating magna cum laude!

"UMT's distance education programs allowed me to earn a degree that reflected my years of experience in information technology... a dream come true! I highly recommend UMT for achieving one's goals in life."

UMT's 2005 Outstanding Graduate

Robert Bryan Parker

Euless, Texas

...he is a lifelong learner.

Mr. Robert Bryan Parker was certified in 2001 as a Project Management Professional by the Project Management Institute. He was looking for a program to provide the continuing education training required to remain certified. He selected the University of Management and Technology to provide the training and to earn an Executive Certificate. His success in the program led him to enroll in the Master of Science in Management program, which he completed with outstanding grades in September 2004. He is now considering a second masters.

Bryan has been a strong and increasingly important contributor to his corporation. he is currently the senior technical infrastructure project management for the conversion of the FLeet bank to the Bank of America's retail platform.

In his interactions with faculty and staff and as evidenced by his coursework, clearly he has gained considerable knowledge, skills, and abilities by completing his programs with UMT.

"I've been a lifelong learner, however the challenges of obtaining an advanced degree was difficult due to job and travel requirements. With the curriculum offered by UMT, I was able to take specialized classes in my chosen profession, developed and delivered by some of the foremost experts in the field."

UMT's 2004 Outstanding Graduate

Kenneth Alan Hudacsko

Silver Spring Maryland

... distance learning rewarded his ambition.

Mr. Kenneth Hudacsko was already well established in his career, but he was driven to learn more. he was attracted to the University of Management and Technology because he wanted to be involved with and contribute to an innovative educational program. The expertise of the project management program's creator also encouraged him to enroll.

Ken was one of the first students to enroll in the program. he immediately took a leadership role in the student body and was instrumental in creating and launching the Student Council. Under his leadership, the Student Council served many important functions that are vital to the distance learning student: providing a means for the students' voices, improving the courses, instruction, and student services, organizing student activities, and creating a sense of community.

Ken is an acknowledged expert in project management in the federal government. Since graduating from UMT, he has increased his focus on helping the Office of Information Systems and Technology Services at the U.S. General Accounting Office to achieve its strategic goal of demonstrating model management practices for the federal government.

"UMT gave me an extraordinary opportunity to build on my project management experience while continuing full stride in my profession and keeping an important balance with my family and community."

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