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MGT 611   Decision Making    Credits: 3

This course focuses on the fact that people lie at the heart of decision making: decisions are made by people, for people. Traditional perspectives on decision making take the position that the test of good decision making is whether it pursues rational decisions gained through rational processes; and whether the solutions it offers are optimal. In the world of real decision making, irrationality, people, and constraints reign. The very concept of rational decisions is questionable when decisions address the needs and wants of multiple players (a rational, optimal solution for A may be non-rational, sub-optimizing for B). Effective decision making must accommodate a number of realities, including: balancing the perspectives of multiple players with contending viewpoints; the irrelevance of rationality in many decision scenarios; the moral dimension of decision making; the biological, psychological, and social dimensions associated with making choices; the constraints decision makers that strongly shape their decisions. This course demonstrates the primacy of these non-traditional concerns and offers strategies for dealing with them.

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